Retro Goodness - blogtoberfest day IV

It's Blogtoberfest! Hello to all who are participating and who have visited my blog for the first time and thank you to Tinniegirl for another year festering!! I'm a few days late getting started but I have a good excuse (honest!) I had a Minuet and Mazurka dance workshop this weekend. 9am to 5pm nonstop minueting and mazurka-ing for 3 days, followed every night by a collapse on the couch with a glass of wine and takeaway. 

The calves have been complaining but sore calves do not keep this dancer down! We finished our weekend wandering Floriade in 18th and 19th century clothing, bursting into a minuet or two on any open lawn available. Pictures will hopefully be forthcoming!

In keeping with Tinniegirl's post today, I wanted to share some of my retro goodness, vintage Barbie clothes! I've been whipping these outfits up for the upcoming fete at my son's school, where 3 of us mum's run the craft stall. I've been busy busy busy. You will see!

To take us out for today, here's a little bit of Justin Timberlake, doing Marvin Gaye. :-) You just can't look at these outfits without a little Marvin Gaye and JT is rather gorgeous, one has to admit. :-) Give it up!


planettreasures said…
wow! very cool Barbie gear.
I hope the fete goes fabulously!
boysmum2 said…
I love the pink outfit, would so work for work outfit!

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