Blogtoberfest Fave Friday!

I'm sitting here with my glass of red wine (medicinal right?) and my dark chocolate (also medicinal) and checking out the festivities over at Blogtoberfest headquarters. Drewzl over at Blog Portion has christened today Blogtoberfest Fave Friday! Today's theme - Fave song.

What is one of my favourite songs ever? That is so difficult.......... especially when one has lived as long as I have. ;-)

So, I thought I'd share a group that has captured my attention lately. Beirut is their name. I've discovered that I quite like alternative folk music (is that a genre?) I've got a banjo, I'd love an accordian, we've got harmonica's. We just don't play any of them well yet. YET. Right? A reminder to myself that I can do this! I can learn new things!

Then also, a little Silverchair:


CurlyPops said…
I love that Beirut clip..that was fab!
I can't play it now cause people are sleeping in my household. However, alternative folk sounds like my kind of thing so I'll be back.

Squoozshy huh? Phew, I'm going to be working hard if you win.
Erin said…
I looove the Beirut video. Awesome. Thank you for that, because today, it's just what I needed.
Anonymous said…
Love Beirut. The whole disc is pretty amazing. We listened to it in the car as we drove around one night shortly after Isla died. It's really emotional, almost melancholic music. I love it. :)
Karin said…
Steph, I feel that way too. I connect with the melancholic minor key. It's inspiring to me that such a young guy can make such soulful music. I also like the kind of drunken swirl of A Sunday Smile. Just keeps on going......

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