
Meet the crew......yarrrrr. We are finger puppets. Yeeerrrrrrrr......

And the lil' Icelandic filly is our Capt'n.



Lissy said…
arrrrrhhh, me 'earties...yo ho ho & a bottle of...
Tracy, mom2many said…
Did you seriously make those??? What about the ship? Good gravy those are soooooo cute.

I'll have you know that after Ash saw the site I gave you on Piratey stuff, we ended up with a pirate birthday party. Nothing fancy but definitely piratey.

Yarrrr finger puppets....yarrrrrr
Karin said…
Yep, made them all. More on the way! LOL!!!

But no, I did not make the ship. ;-)
Oxfam shop. Great for wooden toys.

Tracy, I have so many things on the iron this week for the party. I just finished simple felt pirate hats, I've made take home bags, eye patches are on the way, and treasure for sure!

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